Moving Out


Our Gouged Dining Room Table

How long does it take a container of household goods to travel from New York City to Luxembourg City? a) 3 weeks b) 5 weeks c) if a car is included in the shipment, it’s your best guess.

How did you know the answer was “c”? Yes, including a vehicle slows the process because the M.I.A. moving company and U.S. Customs need to take their time completing and filing all sorts of mysterious paperwork that supposedly pertains to title.

The good news is that when the shipment arrives in Luxembourg, the moving company promptly delivers your goods, unpacks you and carts away the packing materials. If you do not want everything unpacked at once, simply schedule a pick-up and they’ll come back to take the waste.

Oh, and it’s guaranteed something will arrive damaged. Be prepared to file a claim with the moving company.


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