Tag Archives | bell tower
Hotel Grande Bretagne

Bellagio Sights

When you tire of exploring the many lakeside villages and hiking trails around Lake Como, make sure to walk around Bellagio and take in a few sights. You can’t miss Basilica di San Giacomo, whose tower prominently pokes above the red rooftops. The basilica dominates Piazza San Giacomo in the upper part of town. Constructed […]

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Nice Towers-3

Nice Towers

I always enjoy looking up and seeing a bold, unique tower poking out of a skyline. It’s likely stood for centuries through prosperity and destruction, perhaps changing hands a few times, all the while serving as a comforting beacon to people who associate it with their people and where they are from. Here are some […]

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Campanile de San Marco

This 30m tall bell tower is visible from many points in Venice. It was constructed in 888 and, after it collapsed in 1902, was rebuilt exactly as it was. It was used as the city’s main lighthouse. Today, a lift raises visitors to the top for incredible panoramic views.

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