Bar del Fico

Dining Room

We eyed this appealing restaurant twice, once on either side of the block, without realizing it was the same place, so schitzo is its décor. While the front is a cozy, eclectic bar/café, the back is an unusually modern, cavernous (for Rome) restaurant.

The small menu of traditional, regional dishes contained the supposedly ubiquitous but elusive (the few other places we had seen it had supposedly run out) carciofi alla giudia, deep-fried, pressed artichokes. I’m not a big artichoke fan, but am always anxious to try regional specialties. Plus, what’s not to like about deep-fried anything? These are not bad and the texture is interesting: the heart is creamy and soft and the leaves are crispy and chewy.

carciofi alla giudia

The pastas were standouts and among the tastiest we experienced on this trip (no small feat!). We had two other regional specialties – pastas prepared alla gricia with peorino cheese, black pepper and pancetta (from the town of Griciano in northern Lazio) and all’amatriciana with tomato sauce, onions, pancetta, cheese and chiles (from Amatrice, to the east of Rome).

pasta all’amatriciana

pasta alla gricia

At 8:00, we were the first guests. By the time we left at 9.30, the room was full.

Our bill, which covered entrees, main dishes, wine, beer, desserts and Limoncello, was around €80.


Piazza del Fico 26, 00186 Roma

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