Hyères, France

Entering the old town

Entering the old town

This is the Côte d’Azur’s first resort town. The old town sits atop a hillside, about four km from the sea.

Place Massillon

Place Massillon

Eye-catching shop

Eye-catching shop

The town is very compact with lots of narrow streets and old houses painted in typical Provençal pastels with contrasting doors and shutters.

12th-century Tower of Saint-Blaise

12th-century Tower of Saint-Blaise

Hill flanked by pastel houses

Hill flanked by pastel houses

A shop-lined street

A shop-lined street

Famous residents included Robert Louis Stevenson, who lived at the Grand Hotel in 1883-4, and Edith Wharton, who wintered here from 1919–37.

A popular local product

A popular local product

Narrow main street

Narrow main street

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