Nice Towers

I always enjoy looking up and seeing a bold, unique tower poking out of a skyline. It’s likely stood for centuries through prosperity and destruction, perhaps changing hands a few times, all the while serving as a comforting beacon to people who associate it with their people and where they are from.

Here are some clock towers and a bell tower I liked in Nice.

The plaque on the tower above read, simply, Tour de L’horloge (clock tower). Enough said, I suppose.

Below, the Saint Francis Tower is an 18th century Baroque tower that was built as a belfry for a Franciscan convent. The tower is the convent’s only remnant.

This is the top of 17th century Chapelle de la Très-Sainte-Trinité et du Saint-Suaire.

tour, clock tower, Tour Saint-François,bell tower, Tour de L’horloge,Chapelle de la Très-Sainte-Trinité et du Saint-Suaire,Nice, France

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