The first order of business today was visiting the Luxembourg City office to declare our arrival and obtain our certificate de résidence. Anyone intending to reside in Luxembourg for an extended period of time must declare within three days of arrival. I expected it to be akin to going to the DMV, but was pleasantly surprised […]
Le Printemps
Springtime in Luxembourg! It was great to board the plane in cold, grey, rainy New York City and deplane in warm, green, sort-of-sunny Luxembourg.
Desmond Tutu Center
As Angelo and I prepare to move from New York to Luxembourg, our apartment is a wreck. We’ve put all the things we’re not bringing such as electronics and old photo albums in one area and let the four movers quickly and efficiently pack up the rest. Since our place is unlivable, we were […]
Calves Rejoice!
Goodbye Premier Veal, hello Whitney Museum! During my morning runs, I’ve marked the passage of time by the changes along the Hudson River. Every day, I observed a new building’s progress or monitored the redevelopment along the piers. I’ve witnessed the once-desolate and dilapidated western-most blocks from Chelsea to Tribeca transform from prostitutes and […]